The Importance Of Safety For Lone Workers

Although there is no specific Law to protect Lone Workers, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places a legal duty on employers to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all employees.  The Health and Safety Executive defines a “Lone Worker” as those individuals who work by themselves without close or direct supervision such as delivery drivers, agricultural and forestry workers, Estate agents, health workers, service workers or engineers.  Usually placed into three separate sections, these are categorised as Public lone workers, Fixed location lone workers, and Mobile lone workers.  The HSE also states that: “It is often safe to work alone”, however, the law requires employers to think about and deal with any health and safety risks before their employees are allowed to do so.  Employers have the responsibility of training lone workers on how to stay safe, they must keep track of where they are and when, they must complete risk assessments for their lone workers and must also provide lone workers with suitable protective equipment, such as a modern mobile phone installed with a state-of-the-art, Multi Network Sim purchased from a reliable, experienced, professional telecommunications expert such as  Often these Lone Workers are in remote areas of the Country or even working abroad, travelling from one European Country to another, so having a reliable and consistent Phone Network connection is essential. Automatically switching from one Network to another, one of these futuristic Multi Network Sim cards installed in a modern, mobile phone, will definitely help to keep any Lone Worker Safe.

Author: Niru Taylor

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