Can you Safely Clean Ears with Cotton Buds?

Built up wax in the ear is a common problem that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. It can be tempting to reach for the cotton buds or other instruments in an attempt to remove it.

The ears are prone to a buildup of excess wax, which in turn can lead to hearing problems, dizziness, earache, or tinnitus. Whilst it can be tempting to remove the excess with a cotton bud, professionals do not recommend their use. Usually, excess wax will fall out naturally, or professional help can be sought

Cotton Buds

Cotton buds, also known as Q-tips, have long been used for cleaning the ears. However, they also spark regular debate on whether their use is safe.

The short answer is that they should not be used for cleaning the ears, and their use may do more harm than good.

Professionals recommend that the outer ear should be cleaned with a cloth, but the inner ear left well alone. It is recommended that any cleaning of the inner ear, such as dealing with excess wax, should be left to a professional.

Cotton buds can cause damage to the inner ear and ear drum, as well as pushing wax further down the ear canal. Both of these can give rise to infections, bacteria, and blockages.

Professional Ear Wax Removal

Rather than risk damage or injury to the ear, it is recommended that a professional deals with cleaning of the inner ear.

Experts have a wide range of methods at their disposal, such as ear syringing/irrigation, and micro-suction. They also offered specialist methods tailored for children’s ears.

Professional services such as include ear wax removal Taunton and the surrounding areas.

It is recommended that oil or drops are inserted into the ear 3 – 5 days prior to any professional treatment. This allows built up wax to soften so that you get the most benefit from your treatment. Your ear wax removal clinic can advise fully on pre-treatment recommendations at the time of your consultation.

Author: Niru Taylor

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