Vitamin D plays a vital role in keeping bones and muscles strong, and the best way to get it is through sunlight. However, there are key factors to consider, such as the right time of day for exposure and how to balance sun safety with getting enough vitamin D.
Why Is Vitamin D Important?
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for strong bones and healthy muscles. Without enough of it, there is an increased risk of osteoporosis, weakened muscles, and a higher chance of fractures.
The Best Time of Day for Vitamin D Absorption
The body produces the most vitamin D when exposed to sunlight between 11 am and 3 pm. A simple way to check if conditions are right is by looking at your shadow – if it’s shorter than your height, your skin can make vitamin D efficiently.
Can You Get Enough Vitamin D from Food?
While some foods contain vitamin D, it’s difficult to get enough from diet alone. Oily fish like salmon and mackerel, egg yolks, and fortified foods such as cereals and dairy products provide small amounts. The British Heart Foundation has a list of foods rich in vitamin D.
Sun Safety: Balancing Vitamin D and Skin Protection
Spending a short time in the sun without sunscreen helps the body produce vitamin D, but prolonged exposure increases the risk of skin damage. Sun protection measures, such as wearing sunscreen, seeking shade, or using Brise Soleil systems from, can help manage sun exposure safely.
What If You Can’t Get Enough Sunlight?
For those who spend little time outdoors or cover their skin for medical or cultural reasons, vitamin D supplements can help. Sitting by an open window can also provide some exposure, though glass blocks UVB rays. During autumn and winter, when sunlight is weaker, taking a daily supplement may be necessary to maintain healthy levels.
Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, but a combination of safe sun exposure, diet, and supplements can help maintain healthy levels all year round.