Leather Gifts For Third Anniversary

After you’ve finished your honeymoon, married living will really sneak up on you. You’ve been married for years before you realise it. Leather is the theme for your third anniversary as it represents “the flexibility, durability and strength of the marriage.” This is what you should reflect in your gift.

  1. Wall art with a personalised leather anniversary poem

Display your love for your partner on your walls. Want to give your loved one a special three-year wedding anniversary gift? A leather poem is the perfect gift. The size, colour and sentiment can be customised. You can choose to use a quote or Bible verse as well as a popular love poem.

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  1. Leather-scented candle with engraved design

Scents can trigger memories. Do you and your spouse love candles? A leather-scented candle is sure to make your partner swoon. The candle is scented with Tuscan leather and can be customised to include a note or quote.

  1. Leather belt

A classic accessory that’s heartfelt and practical. For Mens Handmade Leather Belts, visit hipandwaisted.com/handmade/mens-leather-belts

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  1. Personalised leather toiletries bag

They will always know where to store their toiletries. Are you tired of your partner travelling with a plastic bag full of toiletries? Maybe they are tired of being unorganised on the road? Whatever the case may be, a leather bag is a great three-year-anniversary gift idea.

  1. Leather wallet

Never again will they crumple up their money. Monograms are a thing of beauty. A leather wallet is full of pzazz. It can be engraved in several places. You may choose to engrave the front of it, the back, the sides, or both.

Author: Richard Brown

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