10 tips to save energy in the home and office and avoid waste

save energy

Save energy at home and in the office is important not only to avoid economic waste but also not to weigh unnecessarily on the environment. So let’s find out some useful tips to limit energy consumption.

It has happened more or less to everyone to see very high electricity bills arrive, which in some cases may seem unjustified. Unfortunately, this often happens because we do not know how to better manage our energy consumption.

There are many ways in which, more or less inadvertently, we used to waste electricity. Some examples? Forget the lights on or worse the open refrigerator, use appliances and, once finished, do not turn them off completely (including stand-by), mishandle the boiler or air conditioner and much more.

Our incorrect habits in terms of energy consumption, both at home and in the office, make us waste many useful resources and consequently increase the bill. A problem that in many cases can therefore be curbed.

10 tips to save energy at home and in the office

What can we actually do to keep energy consumption at home and in the office lower? There are good practices and simple tricks that, if they become daily habits, can lower, and even a lot, our bill. It is above all a matter of learning how to manage your own appliances in the best possible way, gradually replacing the older ones with the latest generation products but also avoiding unnecessary waste. Here’s what to watch out for …

1) Low consumption appliances and light bulbs

Essential in the home, but also in the office, use only low-consumption appliances and light bulbs. Therefore, take care, within the limits of your possibilities, to slowly replace all the old appliances with those of class A +++ or A ++ . These are more expensive products but which allow savings over time and therefore easily amortize the initial expense. Also replace all bulbs with energy saving ones. The same is true for household appliances: the initial cost is higher but they last longer and consume much less energy.

2) Heating and boiler

In winter, we cannot avoid using the heaters, which often weigh heavily on the bill. The first most useful advice for those who have the boiler is to keep it always on at a temperature between 18° and 20°, possibly closing the radiators of the rooms that are not used. Turning it on and off several times a day in fact contributes to raising the bills. Remember also not to open the windows too often; otherwise, it will be difficult to stay at temperature with consequent energy waste.

3) Air conditioner

Who uses the air conditioner must make sure that he knows how to make the most of it while also limiting consumption. It is in fact an appliance that uses a lot of energy, especially if it is not class A. First of all it is good not to place it on too low temperatures, in theory the ideal is that between the inside and the outside the temperature difference does not exceed 6 degrees, this choice will also benefit our health. Other good tips are to regularly clean the filters , avoid dispersions (for example by keeping the windows open), always turn them off at night and do not leave them on when you go out or in unused rooms.

4) Appliance maintenance

To make sure that the appliances, as well as the boiler and air conditioner, work at their best and consume the right amount, remember to clean them frequently and regularly submit them to the necessary maintenance.

5) Beware of fridge and iron

Among the appliances that consume more energy there are certainly the refrigerator and the iron, so be careful to use them to the fullest. Do not open the fridge and freezer too often and above all make sure not to inadvertently leave them open. Also check that the seals are still in good condition and make sure that the internal temperature is regulated at best. As for the iron, buy one with low consumption and with automatic shutdown after a certain period of inactivity, also remember to always disconnect it from the power after using it and possibly iron only what is necessary.

6) Right times for the washing machine

Check with your electrician if you have days and times when the electricity costs less (probably yes), for example after 19 or 20 or on Saturdays and even more on Sundays and holidays. In this case, to save money it is a good idea to program the use of the washing machine, possibly of the dryer and possibly, also of the other appliances, in the lower consumption tariff ranges.

7) Don’t forget the lights on

It sounds like a banal piece of advice, but it is not: many people regularly forget some lights on in the house. This is obviously a real waste. If you are forgetful and you have this bad habit, try to make a “check” light every morning before leaving home, maybe putting a little note on the door.

8) Attention to stand-by

A waste that can undoubtedly be avoided is to leave electrical appliances on stand-by. So pay attention to those red lights that remain lit on TV, PC, stereo, power sockets, etc. even when the devices are actually turned off. These consume electricity to varying degrees depending on the appliance but it is still wasted energy. So take care to always turn off your devices completely.

9) Shorter showers

The shower and the bathroom are pleasures as well as necessities but, unfortunately, if we take advantage of them, besides the waste of water there is also a high use of electricity. So try to take shorter showers and keep the bathrooms to a minimum. As a good habit, when you soap or apply shampoo, you may also turn off the water.

10) Computer

This point affects both those who work in the office and those who use the PC at home. This device, which we are now unable to do without, often consumes energy unexpectedly, especially if you leave it on stand-by for a long time and use the fixed one. If possible, it is better to opt for a laptop on which to immediately set the energy saving option. You can also disable the screensaver and turn off the internet connection whenever you don’t need to use it. If you work in the office, connect all the devices: pc, printer, scanner, etc. to a multiple socket (power strip) in order to turn off the main switch before returning home thus avoiding the passage of energy when not needed and therefore waste.

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Author: Sam Owens

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