Perfect skin before the wedding: 4 natural and nourishing DIY masks

Perfect skin before the wedding: 4 natural and nourishing DIY masks

Perfect skin before the wedding: 4 natural and nourishing DIY masks. Did you know that a poorly hydrated skin can lead to dryness, opacity, itching, dermatitis and unfortunately accelerates the aging process? The skin of the face every day is constantly threatened by several factors: the smog, the humidity, the cold and the stress can make sure that a normal daily hydration, through the application of creams, very often is not enough. In view of the wedding and more, it is necessary to intensify the skin care with specific treatments for each type of epidermis. Today we offer you 4 natural DIY masks that will help you improve your body shape and prepare your skin for your wedding makeup for the most important day of your life.

1. Cucumber moisturizing maskPerfect skin before the wedding: 4 natural and nourishing DIY masks

-Cucumber ½

-Yogurt two tablespoons

-Honey two spoons

-Olive oil 4 drops

The cucumber, miraculous and rich in vitamin E, revitalizes the skin giving it a natural shine, it is also excellent for remedying the damage caused by atmospheric factors. Try to nourish your skin with this variety of beneficial properties preparing a magnificent handmade moisturizer at home!! Cut the cucumber into cubes, leaving the peel, add honey and pour into the blender. Once blended, you should get a homogeneous mixture, then add 4 drops of olive oil or if you prefer you can replace it with almond. If the mixture is not thick enough you can add oat flour or wheat flour; then apply it on the face by performing rotary movements, they will help you activate the microcirculation and eliminate dead cells. Leave it to work for about 20 minutes. It is one of the best masks for perfect skin.

2. Purifying clay maskPerfect skin before the wedding: 4 natural and nourishing DIY masks

-Green clay 2 tablespoons

-Yogurt 1 spoon

-Bitter cocoa 1 teaspoon

-Honey 1 teaspoon

-Egg 1 yolk

The clay performs a micro-scrub on the skin, thanks to its high content of mineral salts, especially silica, helps restore the dilated pores, counteracts wrinkles and helps prevent acne, dermatitis, eczema and controls the production of sebum. The lecithin contained in the egg yolk has beneficial moisturizing properties and helps restore skin elasticity and reduce skin peeling. Add the powdered ingredients, and then add the honey, the yogurt, and the egg yolk: mix everything until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Spread it on the face with a spatula or a brush and leave it to act for 15-20 minutes.  It is one of the best masks for perfect skin. Keep reading Understanding the Obagi skin care range

3. Purifying mask with lemon and honeyPerfect skin before the wedding: 4 natural and nourishing DIY masks

-Lemon ½ squeezed

-Honey 1 spoon

-Almond oil 4 drops

A true panacea to fight acne and to purify the pores. Honey, thanks to its nutritive function, helps to soothe cracks and irritations, while lemon has an astringent and purifying function, finally, almond oil has wonderful moisturizing properties. Combine all the ingredients, when you have obtained an amalgamated mixture apply it on the face and let it act for 15 minutes. Yours will be a well-balanced compound that will help you achieve a natural shine and also control the production of sebum.  It is one of the best masks for perfect skin.

4. Avocado elasticizing maskPerfect skin before the wedding: 4 natural and nourishing DIY masks

-Half avocado

-Honey 1 spoon

-Yogurt 1 spoon

The avocado is rich in antioxidants, helps the skin to maintain its elasticity and thanks to its delicate exfoliating action restores the natural pH of the skin . It will be necessary to crush the avocado with a fork or a minipimer and then add the other components. Apply the mixture with a brush or a spatula and leave it to work for 15 minutes. Finally, if you need to eliminate dead cells, fight swelling or simply purify your skin, aim for a salt-based scrub, thanks to its detoxifying and illuminating action helps to give elasticity and vitality to the face.  It is one of the best masks for perfect skin.

Author: Sam Owens

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