The Problem Of Child Cruelty

The Problem Of Child Cruelty

A particularly troubling problem in raising children of almost all ages is the problem of child cruelty. Many parents, faced with such a nuisance, are lost and do not know what to do. As a result, they either let everything go to chance, for example, assuming that a kindergarten teacher or a teacher at a school must deal with everything, or they are trying to raise a child with cardinal methods that often lead to scandals and even assault.

Naturally, none of these methods will help solve the problem. But you should not close your eyes to it. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation and systematically approach its solution.

The Problem Of Child Cruelty

Causes of child cruelty

The child’s mind is very fragile and highly susceptible to both internal and external experiences. Therefore, it happens that even a child who has always been calm and quiet suddenly starts to show aggression towards others. Naturally, the reasons for this behavior can be a great many, but we will try to highlight at least some of them.

  • Hyperactivity happens that there are no objective reasons for aggression, but the child still behaves cruelly. One of the reasons for this behavior may be attention deficit disorder, and in this case, it is very important to consult with a good specialist to keep the situation under control completely.
  • The answer to parental aggression towards him or to family conflicts. Whatever one may say, but parents are the most important people in a child’s life and the formation of character and habits of a child largely depends on their behavior. By giving the children a bad example of whether or not they should be surprised at their outbursts of anger.
  • Hyper-Pharmacy. Imagine an absolutely opposite situation – you never scold your baby and allow him everything he wants. Such a situation is just as dangerous since the baby does not form the concepts of “good” and “bad”, he is sure that he can do anything and he will have nothing for it.
  • Lack of self-realization. Even at a very tender age, it is important for the child to realize its importance, it is important to succeed in some business, whether it is communication with friends or modeling from plasticine. A bored or lonely child can direct their energy to a dangerous course.
  • Another common cause of child cruelty is jealousy and lack of love and involvement from parents. In this case, the baby in all possible ways he will try to attract the attention of adults.

The Problem Of Child Cruelty

How to recognize aggression?

In children, especially in preschool and younger school age, aggression is generally the same, and you can, if anything, recognize it if you treat your child carefully enough and take interest in his life.

To begin with, a child may show interest in scenes of violence, he looks at the torment of another living creature with obvious curiosity or even pleasure. Then he begins to independently bring the victim to the state he needs.

The alarming bell is his frequent conflicts with peers, most of which end in scuffles or more serious fights.

In addition to the physical effects should not lose sight of the possibility of psychological violence. If your child teases, offends, or offends other people, it means you are faced with the problem of child cruelty.

Another unpleasant indicator is the lack of pity and compassion in the child, he sincerely enjoys the pain and resentment of others.

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The Problem Of Child Cruelty

What to do with child cruelty?

In fact, the rules of behavior with a child exhibiting aggression are fairly obvious, but it is not always easy to translate these tips into practice as it is to write about them. However, this does not mean that you must give up and give up after the first failure. Believe me, things will get worse.

To begin with, to look after yourself – are you not setting a bad example for a kid, raising a voice to family members or kicking a cat running across your path? Children like sponges absorb your behavior and then reproduce it as faithfully as possible. Watch for yourself and your emotions in the presence of children, do not forget about self-control.

Listen to the child, sincerely interested in his thoughts or deeds. Do not let him suspect that you love him enough or care about how he spent his day. Children very acutely feel the lack of parental heat. And naturally, the use of physical punishment is absolutely unacceptable.

Do not forget to explain to the child what is good and what is bad. Teach him empathy; explain how the victim of his cruelty feels.

Do not let him be bored, think in advance about how to occupy the child during the holidays. And most importantly – in any situation, be loving and patient.

Author: Sam Owens

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