Why you should take time to reflect on your successful Drupal project

If you are already familiar with Drupal, you’ll know just how useful this content management software can be. Perhaps you have already used it to create a website or an application for your business.

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Once you have completed a successful Drupal project and made the most of its content authoring features, it makes sense to reflect on the project. Here are a few reasons why that is such a useful thing to do.

Post-launch learning is very valuable

Retrospective learning is a great way to spot new opportunities and prepare for new projects.

According to the web design experts at Smashing Magazine, content modelling is all about defining the object on the site, listing the attributes and defining where the content will end up on a site. This is relevant to all content managements systems, including Drupal.

You can learn a lot from considering how you managed content modelling in your recent Drupal project. Did you manage to prevent cache stoppages? Did you find that off the shelf modules worked well? Was the product fit for purpose?

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Did the partnership work?

Perhaps you were working with a Drupal design agency, such as www.website-express.co.uk/service/drupal-design-development-agency/, or perhaps you have your own in-house team?

If you worked with a Drupal design agency, it is sensible to talk to them about providing support after the product has been delivered. This can work out cheaper than trying to sort out problems yourself.

It is unusual to have high-level technical expertise in-house. This is where a design agency comes into its own. Agencies can provide ongoing Drupal support and deal with maintenance issues while you get on with running your business.

Who should be involved in the project review?

There are usually many stakeholders involved in the development of a project. You could be working with one team member whilst the project is in the design stages and with another when the site has been launched. To overcome any issues that this may present, you could get the whole team together during the development stage.
This will go a long way to ensuring continuity.

Accountability is also vital. The project review may show that there was no accountability for particular outcomes and this is something that can be changed for future projects.

Author: Richard Brown

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