Yi gimbal review: Best smartphone recording gadget

Yi gimbal review

Today in Yi gimbal review it’s time to talk about the most popular fashion gadgets. Thanks to our friends at YI Technology we have been able to “play” for a few days with a gimbal. It is a model that will surely become one of the most sought-after accessories this holiday. If you want your videos to leap in quality, keep an eye on this post.

YI gimbal smartphone recording

Yi gimbal review

As happens to everyone, we also love trying new “appliances.” And we have to say that the experience of recording video with the gimbal YI smartphone has been very positive. Undoubtedly photography and video through the Smartphone is professionalized and much improved with these accessories. You can also do it with this gimbal YI Gimbal Smartphone.

Do you know what is YI Gimbal?

If you are reading the beginning of this post and still do not know what we are talking about, do not worry. If you still do not know what a Gimbal is, I have to recognize that a server does not have a month either. The fact is that it is an accessory that has been used for many years in the world of cinema and photography at the most expert level.

So that we all know well what we are talking about in this review. We are going to tell you first what it is and what this “charro” is for. A gimbal is a motorized platform that is controlled, in this case, thanks to a plate that contains several sensors. Normally it has accelerometers and magnetic compass. What they achieve, using sophisticated algorithmic programming is to maintain the stability of a camera at all times.

YI Technology gimbal

That is, although the gimbal with which we are holding the camera or the phone moves, the shots or captures will remain stable at all times. The YI Technology gimbal that we have been able to test has three axes. Although they are more familiar with only two axes. Both have been used for a long time for cinematographic recordings, etc.

With a gimbal in our hands, we will no longer have videos with vibrations or sudden movements (of those that give dizziness). The videos that we have been able to take offer very acceptable stability even when the gimbal carrier moves. As we see, an exciting accessory that has already reached the Smartphone world, and it seems that it will stay.

The gimbal of YI Technology has three axes, accelerometers and magnetic compass that will make your videos and photographs gain in quality. It has been quite an experience to use this gimbal and observe how there is still room for improvement in the Smartphone world.


  • Materials
  • Ease of use
  • Battery duration


  • It’s hard to open the clamp
  • If the axes are deployed, it loses turning angle

Inside the box

Inside the box

We always do it, and we love it. Receive a new product and make an inventory that what we find inside the box is already a tradition. On this occasion, as you will see, we find nothing that could surprise you. We do not find anything that is not what we could expect.

Inside the gimbal YI Smartphone box, we only find the gimbal Smartphone. Oh, and also a USB cable with the traditional output that will be used to charge the battery of this very peculiar gadget. What else? We do not mind finding some curiosity or “detail” of the signature from time to time. But although this is not the case, it is not important either.

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Designed to last

Usually, when we do a review, we start talking about the design of the device. On this occasion, talking about the design of a gimbal is complicated, but let’s try it. Let’s start talking about the materials. The gimbal of YI Technology is built with the plastic material of high resistance and pleasant to the touch. According to the manufacturer, it will resist falls, knocks, and, more importantly, the passage of time.

Physically, as we have told you, it looks like a selfie stick because it has a part to grab with your hand. But the terminations, the softness, and quality of its touch, and the technology it houses make it very different. At its base, we find a long handle with which we can support all the fingers of the hand in a very comfortable way. At the top, to operate with the thumb, we have control buttons.

YI gimbal smartphone buttons

YI gimbal smartphone buttons

In the lower part of the button area, we find the firing button. From the own application that YI has designed for your gimbal, we can take pictures by pressing this button most comfortably. It also serves to start or end the video recording.

On the trigger button, we find two buttons in parallel. The “Mode” button to choose the recording mode or photograph that we are going to make. Among which we can choose the photo, video, time lapse, and many more. An LED light that changes color will inform us of the way we are using. So we see very simple controls that anyone will easily handle instantly.

Above all the buttons, the Yi Smartphone gimbal has a joystick. Designed and located to be controlled naturally with the thumb. And whether we are right-handed or left-handed, access and control of YI’s gimbal joystick is a piece of cake. With the joystick, depending on the chosen mode, we can turn the smartphone or camera as we need.

YI smartphone gimbal shafts

In the upper part, above the “handle” we have the THREE axes. These, thanks to an algorithm-based configuration, work so that our camera or Smartphone always maintain stability. Its movement is smooth and precise. And it shows how the gear and the calibration are excellent.

Smartphone recording gadget

The part where the phone or the camera would be located has a rubber profile to protect the devices. And we will have to couple it by opening what is a kind of pressure clamp. We also have two “nuts” that could be used to attach larger devices and not lose the turning angle.

It is a pleasure to see how gently the gimbal moves. The Gimbal YI Smartphone is designed with the utmost care so that the movements are slight in the videos. Thanks to its triple axis we can compensate effortlessly up to 320º of inclination. We move, but the phone keeps recording in the ideal position.

The turns also reach 320º. You can make circles with the handle in your hand without the part where the camera is located does not move. Also, thanks to the joystick we also have a complete panoramic angle of 360º.

Record non-stop

Several aspects differentiate YI smartphone gimbal from its competition. The quality and resistance of the materials in which it is manufactured is one of them. It also stands out above the rest for easy handling thanks to a well-designed application for this purpose. But also, the time of use offered by the gimbal of YI also makes it stand out from others.

YI gimbal USB

YI gimbal USB smartphone

Thanks to a generous 850 mAh battery our YI gimbal smartphone offers. With a single charge through the USB station, we can use it during an intense full day. Without a doubt, having a gadget that can keep up with us all day long is also important.

Specific proprietary applications are something that has become a hallmark of YI Technology. A dedicated application accompanies each device launched on the market. With the YI Smartphone, gimbal was not going to be less. So we can find the YI Gimbal application in the Google Play Store.

Through this complete application, we can connect our device in the fastest and easiest way. With the Bluetooth activated, the app itself is responsible for linking the gimbal with the phone. Once this is done, the camera of your Smartphone, and especially your videos, will no longer be the same.

Although very recently many of us did not know what a gimbal was. After trying the gimbal YI Smartphone, we are clear about why it is the fashion gadget. A very important section in our mobile phones such as photography or video is greatly improved thanks to this type of accessories.

It has happened to us with each YI Technology product that we have been lucky enough to try. The quality of construction materials. The functionality offered. And a very important detail, to have a specific application for the device. They make the user experience outstanding.

If photography is an important point for you and you want to take more advantage of your Smartphone’s camera, do not think twice. We can only advise you this curious and functional gadget. And undoubtedly the one we have had the good fortune to try, the Gimbal YI Smartphone will exceed your expectations.

We put it to the test

To compare what can improve our videos thanks to a device like this gimbal there is nothing better than seeing an example. With the phone in hand first and with the YI smartphone gimbal afterward, we recorded what happens when we go down some small stairs. The normal thing, without the gimbal, is that movement is perceived.

As you can see the difference is brutal. The downward movement is very smooth and barely noticeable. If you thought that image stabilization was not that important, here is a sample of how it works.

Author: Sam Owens

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