What Do You Need to Take on a Camping Holiday?

Whether you have your eye on a basic tent for doing a spot of wild camping or are planning to buy yourself a trailer tent to take out to campsites, making sure that you have all the right kit with you on your camping travels is essential. Here are some of the things that you might need and should always have handy when you are camping…

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Mobile Phone and Portable Charger – Sometimes you might need to let people know where you are or call for help, so having a mobile phone with you when you go makes camping much safer. It is also essential to take a power bank with you in case you haven’t got access to electricity.

Items Needed for Repairs – You may sometimes need to make repairs when you are camping. Of course you cannot pack for every eventuality but having spares like trailer parts from somewhere like autoandtrailer to hand, can help to avert a potential disaster!

Suitable Sleeping Bags – In order to make sure that you are comfortable and stay warm at night make sure that you have sleeping bags that are suited to the season.

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Lighting – You might find that you need to set up in the dark after a delay, or you might need to get up in the night, so portable lighting is always a must.

Cooking Equipment – Being able to cook your own meals when you are camping means that you can set up camp pretty much anywhere, so a barbeque or camping stove is a must.

Author: Niru Taylor

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