Posted in Health and Fitness

The life and work of Hippocrates

If you work in the medical field or even in Gloucester Support Worker Jobs, like those from Take Five Healthcare, you will probably have heard…

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Posted in Food and Drink Health and Fitness

White grape juice

It’s now my week of how to consume kilos and kilos of grapes. Today I share with you the recipe of grape juice, excellent for…

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Posted in Health and Fitness

How a Dirty Environment Can Impact Health

Air pollution has been linked to an array of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory problems. According to the World Health Organization, pollution is…

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Posted in Health and Fitness

The Benefits of Living in a Park Home

If you are retired, you may be thinking about downsizing your home to prepare for when you’re less physically mobile and able. It can be…

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Posted in Health and Fitness

Testing for STIs, Common STIs and What to Look out for

As life begins to get back to normal, more and more people are able to meet up again and of course dating can resume. This…

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Posted in Health and Fitness

Planning for your retirement financially

If you are looking forward to how to prepare for retirement, you must be thinking that your savings are going to make you comfortable in…

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Posted in Health and Fitness

What are the Benefits of Working as a Locum Doctor?

What are the benefits of working as a locum doctor? This is a question frequently asked by medical professionals when they are looking for a…

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How to get rid of neck fat
Posted in Health and Fitness

How to get rid of neck fat: 5 exercises to eliminate fat in that area

There is a series of diets and incredible exercises and training routines that help you eliminate fat and all those undesirable rolls that hit us…

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Posted in Health and Fitness

How Pilates Can Help Keep You Fit

While Pilates isn’t a real workout in the strictest sense of the word, it is a great form of exercise for your body. Pilates is…

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Posted in Health and Fitness

Tips For Staying Healthy In Retirement

How to stay healthy in retirement depends on how much effort you are willing to put in. There are many things that you can do…

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