How to take care of the environment: Simple tricks for our day to day

take care of the environment

We have prepared a special article with everything you need to know to take care of the planet. A selection of tips for more sustainable habits, reports on the main environmental problems and the latest trends in renewable energy and ecological products.

In addition, we talked about the need to become aware of this serious problem. For this, it becomes essential that we know how to take care of the environment.

Engage in take care of the environment

Every human being should take care of the environment, their care and protect it, because I believe that we are not overlooked by the important need to do something as soon as possible before the looming debacle, we just have to look at everything what is happening in the Arctic to take seriously how we are endangering nature.

There are those who hide behind the idea that as nothing is done globally, little will be achieved, but that is an excuse that falls under its own weight, because we all know the importance of acting locally to achieve a movement that allows and motivate something to be done at a higher level.

Let’s not forget that sometimes with small gestures, multiplied by hundreds of thousands of people, we can collaborate and be part of the change: save water, taking care not to leave the tap open unnecessarily; turn off lights and appliances that are not in use; recycle our waste; buy efficient electrical appliances; opt for hybrid cars or with alternative fuels …

Therefore, it is essential that we become aware of the commitment we have to do something to protect our beloved environment and also remember and spread a key aspect: much of what we can do is very simple and within our reach.

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What can we do in our daily lives to take care of the environment?

In all areas of our life we can introduce improvements that make the footprint we will leave on the planet smaller …


The correct isolation of a house is fundamental, both economically and in terms of energy. How much heating do you think you can spend too much on a house that is not well insulated? The change is immense.

To begin, let’s look for small drafts, which will be an indication that the windows or doors do not close properly. The best windows are those with thermal break, that is, they are two crystals and a space in the middle. As large as that space is, the window will isolate us more from cold, heat and noise.

Another system for our house to maintain the temperature is to place weather strips on the windows. They are economical, durable, and easy to use and you can find them at any hardware store.

If the house still remains poorly insulated, there are many materials that you can use, such as cork or polyester. It is recommended to open the windows about 5 minutes in the morning to ventilate, and then close so that the house keeps the temperature. If our house is very hot, using the awning or blind is much cheaper than the fan or air conditioning.

As for appliances, it is recommended to choose those with an energy efficiency A or higher (there are currently in the market up to A +++). Although they are usually more expensive, we will compensate for this expense on electricity bills. If we cannot afford all the efficient appliances, I recommend you buy at least one good refrigerator, since it is the appliance that consumes the most energy, and you will see that it compensates in the long run.

Since the refrigerator consumes a lot, it is important not to open the door unless necessary, and close it right away so you don’t lose the cold. One trick: when we defrost food, we can take it out of the freezer a little earlier, and let it defrost in the fridge; this little gesture is an extra cold contribution.

As for the rest of appliances, such as the washing machine or dishwasher, they must be put into operation when they are full, so as not to unnecessarily spend water and energy, and to put the right amount of detergent, since it contaminates the water.

As for lighting, we should use natural light whenever possible, but if we turn on the light, it is convenient that our bulbs are low energy. Only one of these bulbs can save us about 25 euros in a year. To take better advantage of the light, it is convenient that the bulbs are white light, that the lamps are well cleaned, that the house be painted in light colors …

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The best trick we can carry out so as not to get carried away by consumerism is to bring us a list in which we indicate what to buy, only what we really need.

By choosing between several products, the local product is better, since we save the energy used in transport. We will also see that the product has the least possible packaging, plastic, paper or whatever.

If we have an option, organic products are a good purchase option, since they guarantee that less pollutants are used in their production. Of course, its price is somewhat higher.


The most efficient and healthy is to travel on foot or by bicycle. There is even a very cheap cardboard bike on the market.

The next most ecological is public transport: the best are the intercity bus, the subway and the tram, followed by the urban bus, the car, the boat and the plane, which pollutes and consumes 10 times more than the subway .

As for the car, the optimum speed in terms of performance is 80 km / h, from that speed the consumption skyrockets. Each liter of gasoline consumed emits 2.35 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere. Each liter of diesel, 2.64. To save fuel, it is better to drive on longer gears. We will also consume more if we bring down the windows, if we carry a lot of luggage or an accessory, such as a roof rack, as well as carrying the tires with little pressure.


Certainly, it is always more difficult for us to take the necessary measures to take care of the environment when we are away from home, because our needs vary and we find ourselves in places that we cannot control. However, although we cannot completely refrain from contaminating when we are outside our home or at work, there are some tricks that we can put into practice to try to harm the environment as little as possible.

One of the things we can do is always carry a full glass or reusable metal water bottle with us that we can use or refill when we are thirsty. When we spend a lot of time on the street or outside the home, the most normal thing that can happen to us is to be thirsty and, therefore, if we do not carry our own container on top, we will be forced to buy a plastic water bottle or some other material reusable, which significantly increases plastic waste that ends up in landfills or in natural territories. If we all used reusable containers, the problem of constant consumption of plastic would be greatly reduced.

On the other hand, if you take food to work, be sure to take metal cutlery with you that you can store in a bag, wash at home and reuse later instead of disposable plastic cutlery. Likewise, it would also be very beneficial for the environment to use cloth napkins instead of paper, because you could wash them later with the rest of your clothes and reuse them.

If you are one of those who prefer to take a sandwich or some other type of snack that is usually wrapped in silver or plastic paper to keep it better, you can always buy reusable plastic bags that will prevent you from having to throw a lot of trash of waste paper every day, which would turn into kilos of avoidable waste over time.

Another thing you can do in your workplace is to use paper in moderation. In a world dominated by portable electronic devices, it is no longer as necessary as before to have a paper copy of virtually all documents that can be considered minimally relevant. Therefore, think about whether it is really necessary to have a document in physical support before photocopying or printing it. Many times, saving a copy on the computer or sending it to the person interested in Word or PDF format is more than enough. Also, reuse and recycle as much paper as you can to use as little of it as possible.

Finally, if you go on an excursion to the beach or the forest, always carry a bag with you where you can deposit your waste so that it does not contaminate the place you are going. With this simple gesture, you will avoid that waste that can take years to decompose accumulates in nature, at the same time that you will also prevent different animals from eating or getting stuck in those same wastes, causing them serious physical damage or even death.

Author: Sam Owens

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