How to pour concrete correctly

Access to the following equipment is essential for starters:

Tools to level and clear the land, such as shovels, rakes and compactor

Waterproof membrane

Wood for your formwork

Drill and screws / hammer & nails

Steel mesh

Laser or strap line

Spirit level


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Protective goggles to protect against splashes of concrete or cement dust

Long trousers and sleeves

Rubber gloves

High rubber boots, in case you need to cross!

So, now you’ve got the gear, here’s what to do next:

Step 1

The first step in this process is to prepare the ground. To do this, you have to remove all the debris, grass and stone, and compact the earth to ensure an even level.

Depending on your project, you may need to support a compacted hardcore layer structure.

You may want to put a waterproof membrane if you are worried about rising damp into the structure.

Step 2

The next step is to build your formwork. This is a frame that will create a finished slab form and remain in place until the concrete has cured.

Shapes or frames are usually made of wood and must be strong and level. Wood you build with needs to be as deep as you want the slab to be, and thick enough to remain firm and straight when wet concrete is pushing against it.

Consider laying of steel mesh in the form if you think you will need a reinforcement structure.

If you’re building next to an existing structure you will want to make sure the edges are straight and square. You can do this by using a laser or rope lines to ensure your formwork is in line with it.

Finally, use a spirit level to make sure you have an even surface.

Step 3

Placing a concrete order can be tricky if you are not sure what type or quantity of concrete you need. If you’re not sure, you should consult a professional builder that can help you decide how thick your slab needs to be and the best type of concrete for the project. For Concrete Pumping, visit a site like

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Step 4

Once your order is placed, prepare your site for delivery.

Clear a safe path for the wheelbarrow, removing any debris or obstacles, build safe ramps up any steps, and fill in any holes or cracks that could cause problems.

If you’ve hired a concrete pump to speed up the work, you will need to ensure the vehicle mixers and pumps have enough space to park. A mixer vehicle itself is about 11 meters long, and with the pump as well, the necessary space will be increased by about 20 meters, which is about four car lengths.

If you have a land line pump, you will need to clear the way for the operator to lie down, and you may want to protect any areas that could be damaged by a pipe with a thick blanket or tarp.

Author: Richard Brown

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